High Street Footfall Figures Now Available
Following the Town Centre Forum on 24th May 2023, Hertfordshire County Council have now published the figures for the footfall survey that they presented at the meeting. In fact these figures are more up to date and include the beginning of June 2023. https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/media-library/documents/highways/high-street-recovery/rickmansworth-footfall-and-dwell-time-data-june-2023.pdf
If you have not completed the survey on whether to keep the Experimental Order to close the High Street, in place then you can do so by following this link: https://surveys.hertfordshire.gov.uk/s/Rickmansworth/
HCC are now saying that if you have changed your mind since completing the survey the first time, you can do so again and they will take into account your most recent response. Also, from experience, you do not have to complete all the questions if they are not relevant to you, you can skip through.